3 min read

Three reasons people aren't opening your secure emails

Posted by Anita Mavridis on 20th June 2024


When security is easy, people are happy to follow policies and procedures. It’s that simple.

However, what do you do if your employees are doing everything right, but your clients (or partners, patients, residents) don't like your security processes?

This is a big issue for users of secure email solutions. If recipients don’t have a quick and easy way of accessing emails, your secure workflows don’t actually work. We hear time and again from IT managers and end-users; that their open rates are low because recipients are expected to jump through hoops to access emails. Sound familiar?

Here are the top three reasons why recipients aren’t opening your emails - and how to fix it.

1. They don’t recognize your emails

When it comes to secure email, the easiest option for most organizations is an off-the-shelf solution that allows them to send a link to a secure portal. 

The problem is, when people receive an email from a company claiming to be sending something on behalf of another, most people will be instantly put off: is this secure? Is this really from that person? Why are they sending me to a third party?

Trust is a fundamental factor in customer communication, and any doubt regarding the reliability of third-party providers can lead to hesitation, impacting your relationship in the long term.

Solution: Throughout every stage of a communication flow, the customer should know who they are speaking to. Providing an introductory email about your secure email provider, that your organization can edit and brand, will ensure your recipients feel confident accessing messages. Take the opportunity to introduce your provider, and explain how the solution works; this way, your recipients know what to expect from future secure emails.

2. They’re required to fill in forms or create accounts

Today, people expect quick and straightforward interactions. Requiring people to create accounts to access secure messages is a surefire way to frustrate recipients. Not only do forms create another step in the process of seeing your message, but people don’t want to have to hand over personal information. 

Solution: This is a simple one; don’t expect recipients to create accounts to access your emails. Prioritize user experience for your stakeholders - and watch your open rate go up!

Employing flexible multi-factor authentication ensures security but is also a quick and familiar workflow for recipients. Using a solution that offers a variety of authentication methods ensures accessibility for your recipients. While some may prefer to keep things simple with an authentication code sent through email, others will prefer an SMS. 

In addition, providing recipients with an option to ‘remember my device’ keeps things simple after an initial interaction - so accessing emails in the future is nothing short of effortless.

3. Your recipient doesn’t trust your supplier 

A common issue with secure messages is the lack of corporate branding or indicators showing that the message is from an expected sender (see reason one). When recipients cannot easily verify the origin of a message, they are more likely to be suspicious; in addition, if they click a link that directs them to a familiar website or portal, they may again feel wary of the sender.

Solution: Carry your branding through to every stage of customer engagement, from introductory email to a secure email portal, in which recipients complete authentication processes. In this way, it’s unlikely recipients will even realize they’re engaging with a third party and will access your emails with confidence, safe in the knowledge that your organization has security in hand.

Message received?

Over 10,000 organizations globally choose Zivver, often making the switch from alternative email security solutions due to our effortless recipient experience.

In fact, Zivver messages average an open rate of 90%; far above those of our competitors. 

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Anita Mavridis avatar

Anita Mavridis

VP Product

Published: 20th June 2024

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