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The benefits of zero-access encryption for email security

Email is fast, convenient, and facilitates seamless interactions regardless of location. That said, with the ease of online communication comes the challenge of ensuring the security and confidentiality of sensitive information. While encryption technologies like end-to-end encryption (E2EE) and transport layer encryption, or transport layer security (TLS) offer significant protection, they come with limitations.

E2EE ensures messages are encrypted on the sender's device and can only be decrypted by the recipient, offering protection during transmission. TLS, on the other hand, secures emails in transit. 

But what happens once the data reaches the server? Stored emails are frequently encrypted using the provider's key, which means the provider can theoretically access the content, potentially leaving your information vulnerable.

This is where zero-access encryption steps in as a more secure solution. Zero-access encryption ensures that only the sender and recipient can access the encrypted data, thereby providing a higher level of security and privacy.

In this article, we'll explain what zero-access encryption is and why it’s a valuable security tool for your organization.

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What is zero-access encryption?


Zero-access encryption is a modern approach to data security that ensures complete privacy by preventing any unauthorized access to encrypted information. Unlike traditional encryption methods, zero-access encryption guarantees that no one, not even the service provider, can access your encrypted data. 

How zero-access encryption works

At its core, zero-access encryption operates on the principle of encrypting content of emails and files in such a way that only the end user holds the decryption keys. This means that the service provider, or any intermediary, has no means of decrypting the data, ensuring total privacy. Here’s a step-by-step look at how it works:

  • Data encryption —  When a user sends an email or a file, the data is encrypted on the sender's device using a unique encryption key.
  • Key management — The encryption key is securely managed and stored by the user, not the service provider.
  • Data transmission — The encrypted data is transmitted over the internet to the recipient.
  • Data decryption —  Only the recipient, who possesses the corresponding decryption key, can decrypt and access the data.

At no point during transmission or storage can the sensitive email data be accessed by anyone other than the intended recipient.

The benefits of zero-access encryption

Zero-access encryption offers several significant benefits for businesses seeking to enhance their data security:

  • Enhanced privacy By ensuring that no one can access the encrypted data, zero-access encryption provides a new level of privacy.
  • Compliance with regulations Many industries are subject to stringent data protection regulations. zero-access encryption helps businesses easily comply with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and NTA 7516.
  • Protection against insider threats Research has found that 71% of companies in 2023 experienced between 21 and 40 insider security incidents per year, up 67% from 2022. Since the service provider does not have access to the encryption keys, the risk of insider threats is significantly reduced.
  • Increased trust Businesses can build greater trust with their clients and partners by demonstrating a commitment to the highest standards of data security.

Real-world applications of zero-access encryption

Zero-access encryption is particularly valuable in industries where data sensitivity and confidentiality are important. Here’s how various industries can benefit:

  1. Healthcare — Protecting patient records and ensuring compliance with health information privacy regulations.
  2. Financial services — Securing financial transactions and client information to prevent fraud and data breaches.
  3. Legal — Safeguarding confidential legal documents and communications between attorneys and their clients.
  4. Corporate communication — Ensuring that sensitive business information shared internally or with external partners remains confidential.

Why zero-access encryption is the better solution

While E2EE has been a widely adopted standard, zero-access encryption offers a higher level of security and control.

Comparative analysis: zero-access encryption vs. end-to-end encryption:


End-to-End Encryption 

Zero-Access Encryption

Encryption scope

Encrypts emails on the sender’s device and decrypts them only on the recipient’s device. Service providers cannot access the email content during transmission.

Encrypts emails in such a way that only the end-users can decrypt and access their content. Service providers have no access to the decryption keys.

Encryption key management

Keys are generated and stored on users' devices. Email service providers do not have access to these keys, ensuring that emails remain encrypted throughout the transmission.

Keys are managed entirely by the end-users, meaning the email service provider has no capability to decrypt or access the content.

Security and privacy

Provides strong security during transmission, preventing eavesdroppers, including email service providers, from accessing the email content.

Offers the highest level of security by ensuring that even the email service provider cannot decrypt the emails, protecting against insider threats and provider breaches.

Use cases

Widely used in secure email services and communication platforms to protect sensitive information during transmission. Ideal for individual and business communications where privacy is crucial.

Best suited for organizations requiring the utmost level of email security and privacy, such as legal firms, healthcare providers, and financial institutions, where control over data access is critical.

Vulnerabilities and limitations

Secure against interception, but if either the sender’s or recipient’s device is compromised, the encrypted emails can be accessed.

Minimizes the risk of service provider breaches, but relies heavily on the user's ability to manage and protect their encryption keys.

Our approach to encryption for emails 

At Zivver, we are committed to providing secure digital communication solutions that protect sensitive information and ensure compliance with data protection regulations. Our encryption technologies protect our customers' email communications, file transfers, and electronic signatures.

Our solution overcomes the limitations of end-to-end encryption by employing a combination of encryption techniques, including zero-access encryption, to ensure the highest level of security for our users. This method guarantees that not even Zivver, as the service provider, can decrypt your data.

Beyond encryption, Zivver offers a suite of security features designed to enhance the overall protection of digital communications:

  • Two-factor authentication (2FA) — Adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to verify their identity through a second method, such as a mobile app.
  • Data leak prevention (DLP) — Real-time scanning and monitoring of outgoing communications to detect and prevent the accidental sharing of sensitive information.
  • Secure file transfer — Enables users to securely send large files that exceed the size limits of standard email attachments, with the same level of encryption and security.
  • Audit trails — Provides detailed logs of all communications and actions within the system, helping organizations maintain compliance and track potential security incidents.

The reason Windsor Forest sought an encryption solution is mainly down to compliance. We were in the process of reviewing our data protection processes. It’s fair to say that all educational organizations are being pushed to review data protection, and it is increasingly becoming a focus in inspections and audits. I would recommend Zivver to other educational institutions. As an encryption system, it is incredibly easy to use. It is intuitive, uncomplicated, and it integrates well with Outlook.” — Yee Har Miller, Data Protection Officer and Compliance Co-ordinator at the Windsor Forest College Group

Be compliant and improve trust in your organization with Zivver

Our solutions are designed to help organizations meet strict data protection regulations. We do this by ensuring sensitive information is securely encrypted and inaccessible to unauthorized parties.

Ready to hold the keys? Contact us today to learn how Zivver can help your organization with compliance.

First published -
Last updated - 16/07/24
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