
Latest Data Security Research – Freedom to Focus

We commissioned one of the largest independent pieces of research into secure digital communications and productivity in the workplace, surveying over 6,000 end users and 850 IT decision makers globally. Get the latest insights, thinking and more.

Explore the key topics in our study

Barriers to focus in a changing workplace

98% of employees want the freedom to focus – but process overload, collaborative noise and IT friction are major barriers. Read on to discover the danger this creates, with views from experts and advice on how to prevent data leaks through smart technology.


Effective workplace communication: what tools, what risks?

Employees say email reigns supreme as the channel for making work happen effectively. But with 62% admitting to making recent ‘email errors’, it’s not without its problems – as we discuss in this article.


The communication risk landscape: challenges for IT leaders

IT security threats are spiraling, with data loss through email errors almost as big a concern as malware and phishing. But with only 18% of IT leaders constantly reviewing their security approach, it’s clear a more proactive stance is needed.


Enabling progressive risk management with smart technology

How do you balance the freedom to focus with robust risk management? With 73% of IT leaders planning to invest more in outbound email security in the next two years, it seems technology is the answer.

Get insight from industry experts

Meet the expert panel of contributors
Clarity in the midst of chaos
Shira Rubinoff, Cybersecurity Executive, Advisor and Author

"We’ve never had more comms channels clamoring for our attention. Shira Rubinoff discusses how focusing on email can reduce employee error and improve productivity."

Fixing email’s biggest challenge
Martin Veitch, Editorial Director of
IDG Connect

“Email is older than CDs, punk rock, or VCRs. But it’s not unassailable. Martin Veitch makes a case for how email can prosper for another 50 years with enhanced security.”

Our prime communication tool
Steven Bond, Information Rights Manager at The Open University

"Email is a comfort blanket for many – but as Steven Bond argues, its familiarity is exactly what opens organizations up to malicious actors. Read his thoughts on how things can change.”

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Freedom to Focus Improving patient care: Is email the answer to more secure digital communications?
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