• Features
  • Email security policy software

Align organization security policies with your email communications

Replicate your security policies within your secure email environment.

EN - ZVR24 - 16 - Features - Enforce Security Policies - How it works
What it does

Extend your policies to email and file transfer for consistent, reliable security

Zivver provides the tools to seamlessly integrate your existing data protection and compliance policies into email communications. Whether you need to enforce encryption, manage recipient authentication and access, or prevent unauthorized data sharing, Zivver ensures that your policies are consistently applied.

  • Be consistent with your security protocols by applying your existing security policies to every email sent, ensuring no gaps in protection.
  • Extend your regulatory compliance measures to your email environment effortlessly.
  • Automatically prevent human error and actions that violate your organization’s data protection policies.
How it works

Your policies, your data, your rules

Zivver gives you complete control over your policy enforcement. You choose what data is blocked from sending, or requires encryption and two-factor authentication.

Automated policy application

Automatically apply your organization’s existing security policies, such as encryption or recipient verification, to all outgoing emails. Zivver ensures that your protocols are enforced without requiring manual intervention from employees.

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EN - ZVR24 - 16 - Features - Enforce Security Policies - Customise rules

Customise and test compliance rules

Zivver allows you to customize compliance rules to reflect your organization’s specific needs, ensuring that all email communications adhere to your established data protection standards.

Real-time policy enforcement

Monitor and enforce policies in real-time, preventing employees from sending sensitive information that doesn't comply with your organization's security policies. Zivver’s smart tools detect potential violations so you can take action before the email is sent.

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EN - ZVR24 - 16 - Features - Enforce Security Policies - Run an audit

Run an audit of new policies

If you intend on enforcing a new security policy for your emails, you can assess the impact by running an audit mode, providing a report on how often a warning could have been triggered without users seeing it or causing any potential alert fatigue.

Over 10,000 companies email securely with Zivver

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"To provide sound advice to clients, AT Osborne analyses a lot of data every day. We work with confidential data from our clients and, in many cases, their clients or patients. This means that we have to handle this privacy-sensitive data very carefully. With Zivver, we can achieve this and ensure that we can process sensitive data in a secure way - and that our clients can also share that data with us securely."

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Mario Vermunt, Marketing & Communications Director
AT Osborne

Ready to learn more?

Learn how Zivver can help you with secure email and effortless compliance

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