• Features
  • Email security reporting and analytics

Proactive, effective security driven by actionable insights

Track email communication security, identify vulnerabilities, and ensure continuous improvement with robust reporting and insights tools.

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What it does

Comprehensive insights to enhance email security

Zivver Insights and Reporting equip your organization with tools to identify vulnerabilities and improve email security. By providing detailed data on user behavior, security practices, and potential vulnerabilities, Zivver ensures that your organization is always a step ahead in protecting sensitive information.

  • Get real-time audits and daily updates on how many secure and encrypted emails are being sent, where policies are being followed, and what kind of data is leaving the organization via email.
  • Assess which of the policies and rules you’ve put in place are most or least effective for the active refinement of your organization's data security.
  • Track the adoption of secure email to ensure your organization as a whole is utilizing Zivver appropriately and effectively.
How it works

In-depth analysis and reporting for proactive security management

Insights for Zivver Secure Email provides administrators and security experts with visibility of their organization-wide email security. With access to a flexible reporting suite, you can monitor user adoption, verify the security awareness of employees, assess how often users are adopting recommendations, and determine whether securing emails are affecting open rates by recipients.

User adoption tracking

Ensure broad adoption of security practices

Zivver Insights enables you to monitor how well your employees are adopting secure email practices. By tracking the number of users sending secure emails, you can identify gaps in adoption and address them through targeted training or policy adjustments, ensuring that all sensitive information is consistently protected.

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Security awareness monitoring

Gauge and enhance employee security awareness

Benefit for a transparent overview of employee behavior and habits, including how often users follow security recommendations, such as applying authentication methods and encryption. By monitoring these behaviors, you can assess your organization’s overall security awareness and implement additional training or adjustments to business rules as needed.

Data leak prevention metrics

Measure the effectiveness of data leak prevention

Zivver’s detailed metrics provide insights into how effectively your organization is preventing data leaks. Track the number of potential leaks stopped by business rules, the success rate of message revocation, and the overall security of emails sent. These metrics help you fine-tune your security practices and ensure continuous protection.

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Over 10,000 companies email securely with Zivver

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“Zivver Insights and data logging is a very helpful functionality. Through these dashboards, we can assess and monitor how messages were sent, verified, and accessed which is great from a compliance perspective.”


Paul van der Zee, Senior Application Manager

Ready to learn more?

Learn how Zivver can help you with secure email and effortless compliance

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