• Features
  • Guest experience

A seamless guest experience for secure communications

Zivver ensures privacy, security, and compliance at every step, making it easy for guests to access secure communications without needing to sign up for accounts.

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What it does

Balance security and usability and improve stakeholder engagement

We prioritize making secure communications straightforward and accessible, even for recipients who don’t have a Zivver account. By eliminating the need for account creation, we streamline communication flows, allowing guests to access, respond to, and send secure messages and large files with ease.

  • No accounts needed: Forcing users to sign up for an account creates friction and can result in people failing to open your emails. With Zivver, guests have a hassle-free workflow, and can choose to use an access code, SMS, or email verification to open messages.
  • Secure messaging and large file transfer: Give your stakeholders the power to email you securely, too. Guests can reply to emails sent via Zivver securely and even transfer up to 5TB of files, without creating an account.
  • Simplified communications: Senders can see when a guest has signed up for an account, making communications faster and more secure by giving them the option to skip multi-factor authentication and trusting a device for future access.
How it works

Maximum security, minimal effort

Balancing security with user experience can be tricky. We strike that balance, ensuring recipients can access secure emails quickly and easily, without compromising on encryption or authentication protocols.

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Simple verification

Verifying recipient identity to access secure messages should be the standard when sending sensitive data in email. With Zivver, two-factor authentication can be completed via SMS, email, or access codes, ensuring a seamless yet secure experience.

Guest accounts

Guests receiving secure messages or files don’t need to sign up to Zivver. With just an access code, they can instantly read messages, download files, or sign documents.

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Pre-notification emails and custom support channels

For first-time recipients, pre-notification emails introduce Zivver, assuring them that incoming secure messages are trustworthy, helping to prevent important communications from being missed.

Over 10,000 companies email securely with Zivver

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“One of the main things that attracted me to Zivver was the fact that it enables two way secure email. This means that not only can our employees email securely, but non-Zivver users outside of the trust, including patients, can email our staff securely, too. Zivver makes this really easy. Recipients don't need to create Zivver accounts or log in to any portals. It’s as easy as replying to an email!”

Royal Papworth logo

Cath Willcox
Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Ready to learn more?

Learn how Zivver can help you with secure email and effortless compliance

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Frequently asked questions

Whatever you need to know, we’ve got the answers.