• Features
  • Secure file transfer for Email

Send large files securely from your email client

Close the other tabs and share every file, no matter the size, by email

EN - ZVR24 - 08 - Features - Secure Large File Transfer - How it works
What it does

Send large attachments securely with Zivver Secure File Transfer

Sending files has never been this easy - or secure. Zivver Secure File Transfer eliminates the need for third-party file transfer platforms and instant messaging apps. Integration with your email client (Gmail, M365, or Outlook) enables you to share up to 5TB by email, securely.

  • Share files compliantly and with confidence that your sensitive files are accessible by you and your recipient only.
  • Work efficiently, without the need to switch to alternative platforms to send or receive large files.
  • Empower stakeholders outside of your organization to share large files with you too, via a secure link on your website or by replying to a Zivver email.
How it works

Protect your files with zero knowledge encryption and DLP tools

Sending a contract? Financial data? Media file? We’ve got you covered. Zivver enables file transfer up to 5TB, with the added benefits of enhanced encryption and reporting tools.

Large file transfer integrations

Empower secure file sharing across your organization

Enhance your email client (Gmail, Outlook or M365) and put large file transfer capabilities within clicking distance for every user. Zivver also integrates with Purview and other secure labeling tools, meaning our solution can detect sensitive data in accordance with existing security policies.

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EN - ZVR24 - 08 - Features - Secure Large File Transfer - Zero knowledge encryption

Zero-knowledge encryption

Right-sized security when it matters most

With best-in-class encryption, your files are safe and secure with Zivver. We don’t hold decryption keys, ensuring your data is truly protected. Plus, for that extra touch of security, our revoke and expiration control tools empower you to manage access to sent files at any time, and control who accesses your files and when. You can even see who has opened your files after sending them.

Machine learning-powered business rules

Know exactly what you’re sending before you send it

Work confidently and securely with Zivver as your safety net. In accordance with your organization’s security policies, Zivver scans files and identifies sensitive data, alerting you in real-time when emails should be sent encrypted, or perhaps are about to be sent to the wrong person. 2FA controls also prevent unauthorized access.

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Over 10,000 companies email securely with Zivver

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“We do use SharePoint in some instances. However, for incidental communications, we were missing a solution. And, when people came up against the roadblock of needing to share a large file, they’d resort to platforms like Dropbox and WeTransfer. We don’t believe those solutions are secure enough. That was the attraction of Zivver. Every file and message is sent encrypted as standard.” Product Owner Julien Kooiman, Port of Rotterdam Authority

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Julien Kooiman, Product Owner
Port of Rotterdam Authority

Ready to learn more?

Learn how Zivver can help you with secure email and effortless compliance

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