Transport Layer Security for every email
Protect every email and file attachment with enforced transport security
Protect every email and file attachment with enforced transport security
When it comes to protecting data in transit, Transport Layer Security is a failsafe measure that ensures every email leaving your server is secure and protected against unauthorized access - something you can’t guarantee with standard email.
Enforced TLS ensures that emails are encrypted during transmission, preventing unauthorized access during transit - crucial for protecting sensitive data from being intercepted.
When it comes to normal email, enforcing TLS obviously has it’s downsides in deliverability. With Zivver, if your message can’t be sent via TLS through traditional email, it will be sent to your recipients via our secure portal, completely encrypted and secure.
“When we were looking at switching suppliers, I needed to get the buy-in from the security team. Every stakeholder could see how Zivver would support us in meeting our compliance responsibilities, and support better security practices in general.”
Zahid Zarin, Information & Digital Services Manager
Hertsmere Borough Council
Whatever you need to know, we’ve got the answers.
Zivver uses AES-256 encryption, one of the most secure encryption standards available, to protect your data both in transit and at rest. Additionally, Zivver employs keyless encryption, meaning that only the sender and recipient have access to the encryption keys, ensuring that even Zivver cannot access the content of your communications.
No, Zivver cannot access the content of your encrypted emails. Zivver uses keyless encryption, meaning that only the sender and recipient have the keys needed to decrypt the content. This ensures that your data remains private and secure, even from Zivver.
TLS encryption secures the transmission path between email servers, ensuring that data cannot be intercepted during transit. End-to-end encryption, on the other hand, secures the content of the email itself from the moment it leaves the sender’s device until it is opened by the recipient. Zivver uses both methods: TLS to secure the transmission and AES-256 for end-to-end encryption to ensure that only the intended recipients can access the content.
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