• Features
  • Sensitive data protection software

Detect and protect sensitive data

Enhance your email client to prevent data loss with machine learning-powered Business Rules and advanced encryption

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What it does

Zivver Business Rules integrate with your email client, alerting you when it is best to encrypt emails before sending.

Failure to revoke sensitive information before sending emails is a common cause of data loss; hidden tabs in spreadsheets or misuse of bcc often sees data fall into the wrong hands.

Zivver Business Rules can be tailored to your organization’s privacy policy. Zivver identifies sensitive data in the body and attachments of emails, and alerts users when to send their email securely.

  • Prevent data loss and protect your organization’s reputation against the leading causes of data loss
  • Empower employees to work securely, with handy guidance to build security best practice
  • Work efficiently and without disruption; Zivver only intervenes when sensitive data is at risk 

How it works

Enhance your email client with smart error detection technology

Zivver Business Rules are powered by machine learning, learning from user behavior and organizational privacy policies to detect sensitive data in the body and attachments of emails. Users are alerted if sensitive data is detected, so you can take action to either revoke or encrypt information before sending. 

Business Rules tailored to your needs

Security for every sector

Financial data, healthcare information, passport and National Insurance numbers - Zivver Business Rules are customizable and can be tailored to your organization’s specific needs.

Working silently in the background of your email client, Zivver reads emails and detects sensitive information, notifying you if your email requires attention before sending.

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EN - ZVR24 - 06 - Features - Protect Sensitive Information - Revoke messages

In the moment security measures

Right-size your email encryption depending on the context

Notifications in real-time to the presence of sensitive data build awareness around security best practice and limit the possibility of data loss. Zivver recommends when to encrypt emails according to the sensitivity of data, enabling users to apply advanced encryption to revoke information with one click.

Enhance your email client

Combine machine learning with human error prevention tools

Zivver learns from user-behavior, delivering right-sized security protocols for each and every email. Combined with our data loss prevention tools, Zivver Error Prevention technology integrates seamlessly with Gmail and M365, empowering users to avoid accidentally sharing sensitive data.

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Over 10,000 companies email securely with Zivver

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“It’s integral that we protect users from common mistakes, such as sending data to the wrong person. Zivver’s business rules notify employees of the presence of sensitive data, such as National Insurance numbers or financial information, prompting them to encrypt their email and double check the recipient is correct.”

Calderdale Council logo

Nick Lund, IT Project Manager
Calderdale Council

Ready to learn more?

Learn how Zivver can help you with secure email and effortless compliance

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